Recent publications of ISEOR - In english |
Communications of International Conference with AOM, ODC & MC Divisions and ISODC (USA) – 16 et 17 juin 2020 (Webinar)
69 communications 2020 - ISBN 9782917078556
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Communications of International Conference with AOM, “Management Consulting » Division (USA), 13 et 14 juin 2019
118 communications 2019 - ISBN 9782917078549
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Radical Origins to Economic Crises - Germán Bernácer, a visionary precursor
By Henri Savall
This book presents the complete and pioneering works of the great Spanish economist, Germán Bernácer (1883- 1965), to an English audience for the first time. Bernácer, the first director of the Research Service of the Bank of Spain (1930-55), inspired Keynes’ theory but was also a major critic and opponent of it. A macroeconomist by trade, Bernácer’s major theory related to recurring crises, which he believed were inherent in the existence of speculative markets such as property, works of art, long term currency markets, commercial trading, materials, and energy... |
447 pages. 2018 . Éditions Palgrave Macmillan. États-Unis. 45 €
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Communications of International Conference with AOM, “Développement Organisationnel et Changement » (ODC) (USA), 7 et 8 juin 2018
134 communications - 2018 - ISBN 9782917078532
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Intervention research : From Conceptualization to Publication
By Anthony F.Buono, Henri Savall, Laurent Cappelletti
Intervention Research: From Conceptualization to Publication continues to build on the relationship between the
Research in Management Consulting series ans the intervener-researchers at the Socio-Economic Institute for Firms
and Organizations (ISEOR) in Ecully, France, extending that partnership to our recent work with the French
Foundation for Management Education (FNEGE), a foundaton dedicated to closing the gap between the teaching and
practice of management in France.... |
276 pages. 2018 . Éditions IAP-Information Age Publishing . États-Unis. 39 €
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Socially Responsible Capitalism and Management
By Henri Savall, Michel Péron, Véronique Zardet, Marc Bonnet
In the current crisis context, capitalism is questioned by its detractors or defended by its partisans. The concept of
Socially Responsible Capitalism (SRC) is based on the entrepreneurial spirit. It encourages exemplary behaviors,
such as effective, effi cient and ethical behaviors, by stimulating social responsibility of companies and organizations.
This is combined with the development of economic empowerment and legitimate efforts of each citizen-actor.
This book shows that by putting Human Beings at the heart of action enables producing sustainable economic
value, and anthropological values which are inseparable... |
144 pages . 2017 . Éditions Roudledge. États-Unis . 49€
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Clé USB des communications du Colloque International de l'ISEOR, en partenariat avec l'Institut Internatinal des Coûts (IIC) et l'American Accounting Association, -22 et 23 juin 2017 |
236 communications 2017 - ISBN 9782917078525
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Strategic Engineering of the Reed - Reflections on SocioEconomic Strategy and Implementation
This volume is part of an ongoing partnership between the Research in Management Consulting book and the Socio-Economic Institute for Firms and Organizations (ISEOR), located in Ecully, France, on the outskirts of Lyon. The Socio-economic approach to management (SEAM) provides a pathway to creating more engaged, more responsible, and responsive, and more productive organizations... |
200 pages . 2017 . Éditions IAP Information Age Publishing . États-Unis. 42 €
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Clé USB des communications du Colloque International de l'ISEOR, en partenariat avec l'AOM (Academy Of Management), Divisions ODC & MC - 9 et 10 juin 2016 |
111 communications 2016 - ISBN 9782917078495
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Becoming Agile - How the SEAM Approach to Management Builds Adaptability - By
Christopher G.Worley, Véronique Zardet, Marc Bonnet and Amandine Savall - Foreword by Pascal Pasquier
Becoming AGILE - How the SEAM Approach to Management Builds Adaptability From the begining, we wanted to become a national player, but above all, to produce as close as possible to the consumers and reinforce the closeness between managers and employees within the company. Partnering with ISEOR has helped us implement and formalize organizational structures, to spread the SEAM process throughout the company... |
165 pages . 2015 . Éditions Josseley-Bass . États-Unis. 19 €
(+7 € postage)
Decoding the Socio-Economic Approach to Management - By
John Conbere, Alla Heorhiadi and Henri Savall
In May 2014, the French research laboratory ISEOR (Socio-Economic Institut for Firms and Organizations) and the University of Saint Thomas co-sponsorred a second conference on the application of the Socio-Economic Approach to Management (SEAM) paradigm and methodology in the United States. SEAM is a scientifi c approach to consutlancy that focuses on uncovering the dysfunctions and hidden costs that exist in organizations, «hidden» in the sense that they are not captured by traditional accounting methods and fi nancial analyses...
324 pages . 2015 . Éditions IAP États-Unis. 32 €
(+7 € postage)
CDRom's Communications of International
Conference with AOM , RMD Division - Sharing on research methods across a variety
of countries and cultures - june 2015 |
130 communications. 2015 . 25€
(+7 € postage)
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The Socio-Economic Approach to Management
revisited. The Evolving Nature of SEAM in the 21st Century By
Anthony F. Buonon and Henri Savall
This volume is part of the ongoing collaboration between the RMC series and Socio-Economic Institute for Firms and Organizations (ISEOR), a French intervention-research think tank codirected by Henri Savall and Véronique Zardet.
Building on an earlier collaboration on the ISEOR approach - Socio-Economic Intervention in Organizations: The Intervener-Researcher and the SEAM Approach to Organizational Analysis (IAP, 2007) - Buono and Savall bring together over 30 talented intervener-researchers to explore and examine the ongoing evolution of socio-economic approach to management (SEAM)
470 pages. 2015 . Éditions IAP États-Unis. 42 €
(+7 € postage)
Facilitating the Socio-Economic Approach to Management - Results of the first SEAM Conference in North America
Is the 20th volume in the research in Management Consulting series and the sixth major collaboration with Henri Savall, Véronique Zardet, and their team of intervener researchers from Socio-Economic Institute for Firms and Organizations (ISEOR) in Lyon-Écully, France. In 2013, for the fi rst time, ISEOR co-sponsored a conference on its Socio-Economic Approach to Management (SEAM) paradigm and methodology in the United States. The volume captures the ideas, applications, and exchanges Minneapolis, Minnesota...
282 pages. IAP Publishing Edition, USA. 2014. 33€
(+7 € postage)
CDRom's Communications International
Conference with AOM, ODC & MC Divisions - Current Challenges in Organizational
change and interventions- june 2014 |
120 communications. 2014 . 25€
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CDRom's Communications of 3th Transatlantic
Conference Management, Accounting, Auditing, Financial Control and Cost Control - Crisis and prosperity - june 2013 |
186 communications. 2013 . 25€
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The Dynamics and Challenges of Tetranormalization
Par Henri Savall et Véronique Zardet
The crisis has shed light on the growing disruption of economic and social activity. In order to restore stability and prosperity, citizens, consumers, workers, entrepreneurs, and institutional leaders must stress their need for new rules. Standards and norms are certainly rules, but they nonetheless have a hidden face -they are sources of counterproductive effects such as barriers to entry in the global competitive game, whether public and private, of interference practices inside organizations and territories, even of espionage... |
200 pages. IAP USA. 2013 . 33€
(+7 € postage)
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CDRom of Communications - 4th InternationalConference and Doctoral Consortium. "Organizational Development and Change" |
184 communications. 2012 . 25€
(+7 € postage)
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Qualimetrics Approach - Observing the Complexe Object
Henri Savall and Véronique Zardet - Continuing the commitment
of the Research in Management Consulting series to recapture
and revisit past works as a complement to our exploration of emerging
trends, innovative perspectives, and new insights into the word
of management consulting, this volume is a translation and modest updating
of Henri Savall and Véronique Zardet's original work on the "qualimetrics"
approach, initially published in French in 2004.
like we have done with Savall end Zardet's other works - Mastering
Hidden Costs and Socio-Economic performance (2008) and Work and
People (2010)- an underlying goal is to continue to enhance
our insignhts into the complexities and nuances associated with organizational
life, helping to create a more comprehensive foundation for our insignhts
into, work with, and intervention in organizations.
book presents a different and challenging way of the thinking about analyzing
organizations, one that draws together quantitative information,
financial, analysis and qualitative insights into organizational dynamics. |
286 pages. IAP, Charlotte, USA. 2011 . 45€
(+7 € postage)
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and People - An Economic Evaluation of Job-Enrichment
reprint of Henri Savall’s classic Work and People, originally published
in French in 1974, is part of the Research in Management Consulting series’
effort to look backward as well as forward in examining trends, perspectives,
and insights –especially from different countries and cultures –
in the world of management consulting. Savall’s insights
into the complexity of organizational life were groundbreaking, articulating
the need to examine both economic and social factors as part of the same
analysis, assessing technical and behavioral patterns through the lens
of an integrated framework. As he has argued, there is a double-loop interaction
between “the quality of functioning and economic performance,”
and underestimating this socio-economic “tension” leads inevitably
to reduced performance and losses, which he refers to as “hidden
costs”. |
268 pages. IAP, Charlotte, USA. 2010 . 42€
(+7 € postage)
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Hidden Costs and Socio-Economic performance
Henri Savall et Véronique Zardet
Ce livre
est la traduction en anglais de l’ouvrage de Henri Savall et Véronique
Zardet « Maîtriser les coûts-performances cachés
» publié en 1987, chez Economica (Prix Harvard-l’Expansion
de Management Stratégique), réédité et réactualisé
en juillet 2008. Il est en anglais mais existe dans une autre version
en français.
La préface est signée par le Pr Anthony Buono de l’Université
de Bentley College, Boston, Etat-Unis.
Ce livre est le premier d’une série sur la Recherche et
la consultance en Management. Face aux nombreuses problématiques
dans les entreprises, l’idée est de pouvoir apporter des
solutions dans la conduite du changement grâce au management socio-économique.
Au travers de cet ouvrage, les enseignants-chercheurs, les consultants
indépendants ainsi que les dirigeants d’entreprises pourront
trouver des explications et des réponses aux problèmes
de gouvernance et de conduite du changement.
Version française : Maîtriser les coûts
et les performances cachés. 4e édition.
346 pages. IAP, Charlotte, USA. 2008. 49€
(+7 € postage)
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the untapped potential of enterprises through socio-economic management
book provides evidence that the link between social perfomance and economic
performanceis central to the long term performance of companies and organizations.
ISEOR methods highlight the consequences of poor social performance and
enable signifi cant gains in productivity. As productivity is a an essential
factor in competitiveness, employer organizations want to act even more
positively in this area.
Man management skills are essential to build healthy working relationships
in companies and organizations. These skills permit the tools used to
promote implication and communication among the personnel to be developed
and adopted.
That the socio-economic method developed by ISEOR can diagnose hidden
costs and defi ne the means to reduce them. Jean François Retournard,
Director ACT/EMP, International Labor Offi ce (ILO) |
Éditions IOT-BIT, Genève-Turin
(+7 € postage)
180 pages 2008 . 29€
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