> Management
Socio-economic management

The innovative socio-economic management created and experimented by Henri Savall and developed with his ISEOR team is a management approach tightly integrating the social dimension of the enterprise and its sustainable economic performance:
it includes methods of overall management based on the human development as the main factor of efficacy and efficiency in the short, medium and long term.
Efficacy and efficiency of firms and organizations depend on their capacity to articulate the methods of classical management with the human and social dimension of their overall operation and sustainable performance.

  • The socio-economic management offers innovating tools and methods for live management

This kind of management consists in reinforcing the methods of team-work. It becomes implanted through concertation-training meetings.

The socio-economic management permits to structure the firm development along three piloting axes:

  • political decisions provide the energy necessary to the strategic development of the firm
  • an implementation process considered as a succession of periodical cycles to solve the problems encountered on the way
  • 6 original management tools created, experimented, implanted and evaluated by ISEOR
  • The implementation process of socio-economic management


  • Six innovative tools …
  • The time management table aims at a more efficient structure of the time schedule by developing individual and collective programming as well as concerted delegation.
  • The competency grid enables to visualize the actual competencies available within a team and the way it is organized. It allows to work out an in-house training plan particularly suited to each individual and to the changing needs of the team.
  • The priority action plan lists the actions to be achieved within six months so as to reach the priority objectives after having arbitrated priorities and a feasibility test of available resources.
  • The strategic piloting indicators gather the qualitative, quantitative or financial indicators used by each member of the managerial staff to pilot in concrete terms the individuals and activities under their responsibility. It allows to measure, assess, follow the implementation of actions and keep an eye on the sensitive parameters of the operational and strategic activities.
  • The internal and external strategic action plan (IESAP) clarifies the company strategy for the medium term (3 to 5 years) vis-à-vis its external targets (clients, suppliers, competitors, institutions…) as well as its internal ones (from the CEO, middle management to employees and workers). It is updated every year so as to take account of the evolution of its pertinent external environment and of its internal "environment" (since the personnal is constantly changing coming in and out the firm).
  • The Periodically negotiable activity contract formalizes the priority objectives and the means available for each individual in the firm (workers and employees included), through a double personalized six-monthly dialogue with his immediate superior. Extra pay linked to the attainment of collective, team and individual objectives, self financed by the drop in hidden costs is attached to it.
… to ensure total quality in firms and organizations

The socio-economic management approach simultaneously aims to jointly attain social performance and economic performance. Its tools systematically integrate this twofold dimension.

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Dernière mise à jour : 19/02/2013
Copyright ©ISEOR 1999