> Revue Sciences De Gestion DRecherche

RÉSUMÉS du Numéro 46 - Abonnement 2007 - ANGLAIS

Revue "Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión" - ISBN 2259-6372
Chaque article a des résumés en français, anglais et espagnol 


Homage to Burrell and Morgan: a Theoretical Overview of Qualitative Research Methods

Résumé :

This paper celebrates the relationship between social theory and research method. It examines some of the epistemology and ontology that underpins this. Using the apparatus developed in Burrell and Morgan (1979) the authors explore central assumptions that they contend are more or less considered in a variety of works of a quantitative and/or qualitative character.
The authors advocate that qualitative method and associated methodology will deliver validity even in one of the most complex and rich sets of social and cultural interaction contexts – that of the social work setting.

par Peter Elsmore
John Mendy
University of Lincoln Business School (U.K.)



A Possible Solution to the Scientific Conundrum:
the Multiple Methods Approach

Résumé :

This paper demonstrates an efficient manner of dealing with a relatively new methodology: mixed or multiple methods strategies. These strategies are now being proposed with increasing frequency whereas, a decade ago, they were hardly mentioned. “To (simply) include only qualitative and quantitative methods falls short of the major approaches being used today in the social and human sciences (Creswell, 2003).” The Mixed Method approach uses both qualitative and quantitative methods as they apply best in a given situation to obtain the sort of knowledge that a specific project requires.

par Geraldine A. Kisiel, Ph.D.
Central Michigan University and AK Research and Training
Joseph L. Azarewicz, Ph.D.
Titan Corporation


Supporting R&D Networks by Self - Evaluation

Résumé :

This paper makes a contribution to the Research partnership evaluation literature. It focuses on evaluation tools for public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the field of Research and Development (PPP in R&D). The EE (Empowerment Evaluation) tool follows a user centred evaluation design and covers a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. The approach was widely tested in many research networks and serves as a framework for both external evaluation and internal monitoring for the actors involved. By making use of the tool a number of 15 cases out of 5 European countries are investigated. The research outcomes from these research partnerships are compared in an attempt to investigate the learning processes. As a first research result important critical success factors for the functioning of PPP in R&D are presented.

Par Ludger Deitmer
ITB, University of Bremen


Lingering Reflections on Rapid
Organizational Change

Résumé :

In this paper I summarize some reasons why rapid organizational change is crucial and describe some ways that rapid organizational change is typically carried out, especially by means of large group interventions. I then describe several problems that may result from implementation of rapid organizational change, especially when the organization does not pay adequate attention to the long term impacts of one or more change initiatives. Finally I describe some ways organizations may obtain long term benefits from rapid change.

par Jean M. Bartunek
Robert A. and Evelyn J. Ferris
Chair and Professor
Department of Organization Studies
Boston College USA


How is Drug Testing Implemented in this Company?
The Answer is in the Eye of the Beholder

Résumé :

We collected surveys from employees in a large petroleum company in the United States. Results indicated that employees with (a) lower scores on belief in chance (a dimension of locus of control), (b) lower scores on authoritarianism, (c) more positive attitudes toward drug testing in general, and (d) knowledge of fewer individuals known fairly well who have failed a drug test were more likely to report that their organization’s drug testing program includes positive characteristics. We discuss implications of these findings for theory and practice regarding the implementation of drug testing in organizations.

par Herman Aguinis, Ph.D.
The Business School
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center (USA)
Christine A. Henle, Ph.D.
The Belk College of Business Administration
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (USA)


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