> Revue Sciences De Gestion DRecherche

RÉSUMÉS du Numéro 50 - Abonnement 2007 - ANGLAISL

Revue "Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión" - ISBN 2259-6372
Chaque article a des résumés en français, anglais et espagnol 


Facilitating Practitioner

Résumé :

The n ure of research and the nature of doctoral education are

par David Coghlan
University of Dublin (Ireland° Kay Davis Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education & Psychology



Is Management Science built on a Shaky Foundation ?

Résumé :

Numerous articles over the past few decales have investigated wherher replicaion, a sky to scientific method, are being done in management science. The paper investigates articles in management...

par Eileen Kwesiga University of Texas at Arlington (USA) Marshall Pattie University of Texas at Arlington (USA)


The Analysis of Visual Textes in Strucutral and Interpretive Semiotis

Résumé :

Semio of visual texts allow us to capture meanings that
are not im ately evident in visual communication and which other
methods, d fail to
identify. However, researchers sometimes find semiotics difficult to
approach, because of both the difficult, specialized language of many

Par Giampaolo Proni+Università di Bologna, sede di Rimini (Italy) Diego Rinallo*Università Bocconi, Milan (Italy)


Corporate social responsibilty & economic
competitiveness: developing human capital for
sustainable growth

Résumé :

Semio of visual texts allow us to capture meanings that
are not im ately evident in visual communication and which other
methods, d fail to...

par Isaac Alshiha
University of Washingt ell
(USA) Claire Gipson University of Washington, Bothell (USA) Mary Visconte University of Washington, Bothell (USA)



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> Voir le résumé du Numéro 49

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